Hydro-thermo Massage

Hydro-thermo Massage®

What is Hydro-thermo massage®?

Hydro-thermo massage is a combination of therapeutic techniques that uses air, water, and heat. A variety of natural products can also be added for specific results: essential oils, bath salts, and herbs.

Numerous air jets placed throughout the bath produce an acupressure effect that energetically massages your entire body. It completely surrounds you, from the back of your neck to the tips of your toes. This acupressure effect generates a progression of healthful benefits that can be felt in every layer of your skin and throughout your whole being. Of all the low-impact therapies, Hydro-thermo massage is the one that comes closest to traditional massage, both in application and in its therapeutic benefits.

The air jets create constant, equal pressure throughout the bath and on every part of your body. While it might never replace the expert hands of a qualified massage therapist, Hydro-thermo massage has the advantage of working simultaneously on your whole body.


As one of the most complete and effective low-impact therapies, Hydro-thermo massage plunges you into deep relaxation and revitalizes you through a myriad of extraordinary benefits.

A Complete Massage in 3 Steps

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